Lately it seems like I find myself facing very serious baking dilemmas on an increasingly regular basis. Do you ever have this problem? Baking dilemma problems?
Now by baking dilemmas, I don’t mean the question of “to bake, or not to bake?” – because let’s be honest, when faced with that question, I will always very emphatically choose “to bake!”
No, no for me, my baking dilemmas are more a consequence of my ridiculously indecisive nature, which usually makes it near impossible for me to decide exactly what it is that I actually want to bake in a given day – or more importantly, what I want to eat.
Typically my baking dilemmas go a little something like this… “should I bake cupcakes or a layer cake?”; “vanilla or chocolate?”; “pie or cobbler?” “scones or muffins?” … you get the idea.
Recently during one of my episodes of said baking dilemmas, I was debating whether I should make cookies or brownies – and having a seriously hard time. I mean can you blame me? Honestly, sometimes it’s just pure torture trying to decide between two options that are each so delicious.
Then suddenly it hit me, that there was no good reason for me to have to choose – so I didn’t and the result; These Mocha Brownie Sandwich Cookies… Best. Decision. Ever.
I’m so excited to be partnering up with Best Friends for Frosting to get the recipe for these Mocha Brownie Sandwich Cookies! Click here and get the recipe!
Happy baking lovelies <3 <3
These cookies look beautiful! You are absolutely right…always choose baking! 🙂 <3
Thank you lovely! These are so much fun to make! <3
Before serving, let the ice cream sandwiches sit at room temperature for a few minutes so the brownies and ice cream can soften, making them easier to eat.