Whenever things get a little muddled up in my mind, I can always count on the simple things to get my head straight – like a trip to the pumpkin patch…
This past week I found myself caught up in a vicious circle of overthinking. As much as I hate to admit it, I am guilty of this all too often; I drift into a head space where constantly comparing myself to others, and over-analyzing my shortcomings, rather than embracing the things that make me unique, starts to eat away at my daily joy. I get lost in self-deprecating phrases like “not good enough” and then before I know it I start to wonder why I even try, when somebody else could do it “so much better”.
I have done this all my life – and I know I am not the only one – I’m sure you can all relate on some level. But it was only recently that I really took the time to reflect on it, and recognize just how cruel I can be to myself, and that thinking those things about yourself is actually not okay…
I used to rationalize this kind of thinking as being a good thing; something that would make me better. Like somehow thinking badly about myself all the time, would keep pushing me; keep me striving to be my idea of “perfect” and in turn make me the best version of myself. But I know now that, that’s just not true. I’ve come to understand that cutting yourself some slack, learning to be kind to yourself and cherish every little bit of your imperfect glory is what really makes us better. Positive self thinking is uplifting; it’s inspiring; it pushes us to set goals and keep picking ourselves up and try, try again until we succeed beyond our wildest dreams. At least, this is what I have found. It’s a wonderful revelation…
So this week when I caught myself falling back into old habits, and feeling lost in a dark head space – I took some time to enjoy something simple to bring me back to real life; real, beautiful life. Running carelessly through the rows of the pumpkin patch with a dear friend by my side, as the sun set below the hill and coloured everything the most gorgeous hue of burnt orange and hazy pink, I found my way back to a much more positive head space.
It was here, in this beautiful spot, with pumpkins in my hands that I remembered to tell myself those negative thoughts will get me nowhere. All that matters is here and now, and that we take every opportunity to make the most of this moment – this one right here. There is no need to worry about the past – because it is over and done – and there is no need to fret about or live our lives waiting for “the future” to happen… The future will be whatever we choose to make it be by living in the moment… When you really think about that – it almost makes too much sense.
It’s a very conscious effort for me to stop those them in their tracks, but it is so freeing once I manage to do it, and my only hope is that reading this might be some food for thought, and that maybe – just maybe – it might bring you some comfort…
I know this was a little bit of a heavier post today – but I just wanted to share, because at the end of the day if something I share from my heart can help even one person in this world who is struggling with this like me; I will find so much comfort in that.
Happy weekend lovelies – I hope you make this one count; Take the time to get out of your head; to get lost in the simple things – like a trip to the pumpkin patch. Wander through the rows, find that pumpkin that speaks to you, and hug it close to you. You may feel like a crazy person, but please revel in all that moments glory; the smell of the field; the crisp chill in the air; the feeling of the sun on your cheeks; the beauty of the vibrant orange of that pumpkin your holding; the sounds of laughter around you… there is so much simple beauty to be found if we take the time to step outside of ourselves; outside of the negative thoughts that hold us back from seeing it…
And if you are a local reader (Vancouver, BC) I highly recommend taking a trip out to Maan Farms. They have a beautiful Pumpkin Patch, and so many fun activities for families. I had the pleasure of getting to go through their Haunted Corn Maze… and let me just say – it was scary as heck! Scary, but SO much fun. I hope you check it out
KP xoxo
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